Цалікова Дарія – Unity-розробник і представник Octanta Studio.
Contact: octantastudio@gmail.com | https://www.instagram.com/octanta_st/?hl=ru | Dariia or Kainis
- Unity development 3+ years, commercial experience since 2023.
- High level of self-organization and motivation. Love for games, constant development in this area.
- Favorite game forever - Zeus.
2024. Experiment 1.01 for innovators by Projector. I learned how to conduct business from those who have been practicing it for a long time.
2023. Unity Developer course from Headlight School. Studied modern and generally accepted approaches to development, so as not to be simply self-taught.
2023. Diploma of higher economic education from LNU. I learned to understand how people work and also how to conduct business.
- DOU – article about decentralized game design as a concept (part 1)
- DOU – article on decentralized game design as a concept (part 2)
- Cryptoprofi.info – Article about decentralized game design based on blockchain
- Medium – стаття про децентралізований геймдизайн як концепцію
- Battle system in the game Brotula for Octanta Studio
- Game design in the game Jewellirium for Octanta Studio
- Decentralized in-game voting system Aquarius Age for Octanta Studio
- System of interactive photos in the game Aquarius Age for Octanta Studio
- Participation in building VR NOW for one of the children's hospitals for ADVIN